
आचार्य शंकर के अद्वैत दर्शन का भारतीय संस्कृति के परिष्करण में योगदान

Scheduled On: 05-01-2022

Centre for Philosophical Studies, Heritage Society, Patna & Bharat Adhyayan Kendra, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi cordially invite you to participate National Webinar on "आचार्य शंकर के अद्वैत दर्शन का भारतीय संस्कृति के परिष्करण में योगदान"

🟡You are requested to subscribe the link mentioned below to receive program notification of  live session on 5 January, 2021 at 6 pm.



Prof. Vijay Shankar Shukla,  Regional Director, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, Varanasi;

Distinguished Speaker:

Prof. Sachchidanand Mishra, Member Secretary, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi;

Convenor & Moderator:

Dr. Anantashutosh Dwivedi, Director-General, Heritage Society, Patna

Welcome Address:

Dr. Gyanendra Narayan Rai Centenary Fellow, Bharat Adhyayan Kendra, BHU;

Vote of Thanks:

Dr. Mayank Shekhar, Kalakosh, IGNCA, New Delhi;

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